Fashion: The Secret. Tips to finding your favorite style icon inside yourself. Following in the footsteps of an icon.
I have always loved the art of decorating the body, from a very young age my adoration began! My mother had lovingly recounted that I had to have a fashion magazine during my early potty training years or I would not go to the bathroom- end of story. If it slid off my lap I would proceed to cry. My major addiction and love affair however, has overwhelmingly been with jewelry, which I have collected as early as I remember. I would go to estate sales with my father and obsessively insist to buy that big boxes of old costume jewelry, sterling or whatever I could get my hands on. Those pieces told a story about a time and place and even the wearer that appealed to me. Some great women, ordinary from afar and extraordinary in retrospect, have shared themselves with me via their style lumped in such boxes. It was this connection to culture, history and adornment that has, in retrospect, led me to the field of anthropology. Almost thirty years later I crave that great acquisition. My latest find, an old Navajo hand cast silver bracelet made with experience, knowledge and love has won my heart. In my experience I gravitate towards what I feel reminds me of my heritage or some era or culture I admire.
Fashion should be experienced, felt. As my friend always says these things find you, you don't find them. “No one was interested or saw that object because it was waiting for you”, she would chime in.
That said, I invite you to find yourself and your inner inspiration and icon. Jacki O, Coco Chanel, Aunt Patricia, your mom, Sara Jessica Parker, Michelle Obama, Samantha from Bewitched, Princess Diana, Diana Ross, Audrey Heburn, Katharine Heburn, Lauren Bacall, Iman, a vintage necklace, A Navajo bracelet in a photograph, Rachel Welch, Iris Apfel..... Think back to the first time you saw someone wearing an item that inspired you or spoke to your inner sense of aesthetic.
Secret one: Find an icon, do some research, discover that person that most closely relates to your current style and then decide what makes their effort a little more successful than your own. Make a decision to take it to the same level of dedication, don't be afraid to look to them for inspiration. For example, the discovery of Iris Apfel, my personal fashion icon. I had never even heard of her until a few years ago, but we had been having an affair with the same accessories for years. The only difference was that she fully embraced and incorporated them to the utmost. We both have a love of Native American accessories, cultures, design, texture and textiles. She starts with basic colors and well tailored silhouettes, culturally curated textiles, then adds layers, textures and statement pieces which mean something or appeal to her whether they were 50 Cents or a few thousand.
So who is your icon? Find their main staples and incorporate their passion! Remember the goal is not to copy their style but to find your core interests and apply those into your style as the greatest icons do!
Secret two: Vintage pieces. One tool to acquiring a couture look has been to build on great quality vintage clothing finds and jewelry pieces adding your favorite up to date brands. This can save you money, but it also can give you a couture look because not everyone has the same piece as you. Pick a decade or culture that you really relate to and restyle it. Simplifying is key, as you do not want to look like a blast from the past or a culture convert. Think one vintage piece per ensemble at first. Style icons like Rachel Zoe and Patricia Fields have been using this mantra for years. So, mix your wardrobe with a couple of unique vintage staples which match the current trends in stores if you want to be on the safe side. For instance, if big belts are in vogue find a great vintage one of a kind one that matches the trend.
Secret three: Don't be afraid to try something new at least once. For instance, ask yourself what your all time favorite piece of clothing is, something that you would love to wear by never had the nerve. Wear it once and maybe more if you feel it works.
Secret four: Challenge yourself to wear one bold statement piece. I am not talking about going full Lady Gaga. Leave that to the professionals. You may feel uncomfortable at first but after a few compliments you will be able to take the training wheels off and go a little bolder. Look for jewelry that stand on its own as a beautiful piece and pair it with a basic staple. Mix the chosen statement piece up each day. On the first day maybe a adorn yourself with the statement necklace, then next some great boots,belt or purse.
Secret five: Strive to dress as who you are, be realistic. Don't force yourself into stilettos, if that is not you, but fill in those spaces with other you own well loved pieces and styles that do appeal to your life.
Secret six: No more impulse buys sometimes a name brand is just a name and sometimes cheap just may be cheap.
Secret seven: Clean out your closet and get rid of ill fitting or non used items and try to organize your pieces based on possible outfits or in categories. Cleanliness in the closet is next to Chanelliness. Come on we all struggle with this, who hasn't found an item in their closet shoved so far back there it's in another time zone.
Secret eight: Dress without the extremes (don't try to look too old or too young). You don't have to dress your age so to speak but be aware when that ship has sailed. Don't forget to start underneath. Create a clean silhouette with undergarments like spanx or panties which leave no lines. Make sure your bra fits, I know you have heard this before but please it does work, if you aren't comfortable on the inside then what is the point.
Secret nine: Find what others and you decide is your most beautiful asset and highlight it. Maybe your eye color- wear that color every now and again, your laugh -wear something light and fun from time to time, your personality- show it in your clothing and use something with a whimsical feel, your legs or curves -show them off but leave something to the imagination. Stay in control of your image by accentuating the positive.
Secret ten: Make yourself happy on the inside. Maybe what it is that appeals to you about your icon is their lifestyle, hobbies or passions. Find yours or inspire from theirs. Devote a little time to just you and pursuing that love. Read, ride a bike, volunteer, join a photography class in your spare time, go hiking, riding, meditate or travel. In truth, it is our life and experiences that add to our look and inspire our fashion choices. In my jewelry box lie, many Brazilian indigenous necklaces which I acquired from working for years on something that I loved, my great grandmother's pin, my mom's necklace from the 70's all of which are reminders of a time and place which made me happy.
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