Just a quick note today. At reputable estate sales you can get great vintage couture handbags for around 40-200 dollars. I just purchased a authentic Prada handbag from an estate today. You need to research and look for the marks such as the serial numbers(although some older ones do not have these), zippers with the brand's label on them, grommets stamped with the label, the name inside the purse, weight and quality (heavier details). L Vuitton bags are the hardest but look for turned straight handles and the mark everywhere on all details of construction.
There are many sites which help you to identify the real versus fake so do so research and then happy hunting. For instance: Real vs Fake Prada.
Even a vintage fake with age sometimes works out as it tends to look more real, but make sure you have an idea of how to tell fake from real. Each brand is different. Heck the LV and Chanel fakes started so early and the vintage ones are sometimes so good its really hard to determine. Vuittons began to be produced in the mid 1800s! A big determiner that is easy to remember is that there have never been suede linings in brown inside Louis Vuitton bags. Alcantara looks like suede but it is grayish never chocolate brown. Here is a link to fashionfile's guide on ebay:LV guide.
With Chanel. Top hook of C on right overlaps the C on the left. In 1984 and beyond the hologram stickers should be there and be very hard to get off. More stiches per inch around 10 are found on higher quality bags. Ebay is very risky for these knockoffs. Here is a link to a quick list of traits for Chanel:Authentic Chanel.
Tactics: Remember to get there an hour early for a good sale. Bring water to drink, cash and check just in case and be prepared to do some fast work. Look at the estate sale site the night before to see exactly what will be there and where they might be located. There are some crazy couture loving divas who frequent these sales, so the fastest wins! You can sign up for local sales by finding out who runs the estate sales in your area- word of mouth, by using craigslist and checking local estate sites often. These sites are usually found under estate sale comma your city name. Check out:
http://www.estatesales.net/ and http://estatesales.org/.
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